Saturday, March 21, 2009

Newbie Affiliate? Here is the perfect Website building solution.

,So you want to make some extra money as an affiliate. Like me, if you are new to internet marketing, you have researched the subject but you still don’t know how you are going to succeed. Why? You do not know anything about building your own website.

You might have read up a little bit but it is still very much in the dark. I admit, even I have written some articles on how to build a website and yet I am struggling. There are so many terms and terminology to learn. People with the know how make you feel so dump.

I always wish there was an easier way to just get past that phase without spending lots and lots of money on trying to build a website. When you’ve built it eventually, you find that you can’t get any traffic to your site.

Now the challenge has sifted from trying to build to getting customers. More money is needed because those money grabbers out there are trying to find you, as a newbie (the “official” internet term for somebody new to the internet or any specific field on the internet), without the knowledge (or at least limited knowledge), and promise you riches instantly if you use their system. Most of it are scams and a lot of newbies fall for it; not just fall but very hard.

Before you’ve made a cent you’ve given up because you can’t afford to loose one more cent. You’re family needs you to be there for them.

Do not give up yet. Do not despair. Have you ever heard of Site Build It! This is a God send solution for the newbie. SBI! Really works and there is proof of that. If you need proof right now click here!

The process is simplified to such a degree that success, in the form of profits, not just a website, is achievable even for a beginner. For an experienced person, achieving success is even smoother. SBI! really does change lives.

You get more than just a "site builder." You don't need to worry about looking for separate hosting, paying for a separate keyword research tool, handling site submissions, integrating auto responders, etc., etc. If you are an expert you probably would want to see the tools available now. Well its just a click away. Choose the most relevant ones for your specific needs.

Profits should be build into the system from day 1. If your process is incorrect you will face the “Long Walk To (Financial) Freedom”.

Three of the tools offered by SBI! Are:
1. Brainstorm It! is SBI!'s powerful keyword brainstorming and research tool. It helps you verify that your site concept has acceptable profit potential. SBIers are saved from making that common fatal error. With Brainstorm It!'s help, they know they are on track, right from the start. Brainstorm It! also helps you to find topics related to your niche that will pull in traffic and generate income.
2. Niche Choose It! is your final decision-making tool. It uses a complex decision-matrix theory that makes choosing the best niche for YOU simple... and flawless. Choosing your best site concept is not always as obvious as you might think. Brainstorm It! and Niche Choose It! show you the best path for your particular business, reveal some surprises, and help you make the right choice.
3. Monetize It! helps you choose the best monetization options for your site concept. Creating a diverse monetization mix will help you maximize your site's profitability and ensure long-term growth.

Page creation is as simple as riding a bike with its training wheels still attached. No need to know HTML. The block-by-block builder trains you how to write a page that is both "Search Engine and human effective." It's simple, do-able and most importantly, effective site-building. The block-by-block builder is perfect for beginners, but even many "advanced" users should start with this tool. It's an excellent way to break bad habits!

SBI! includes domain name analysis, optimization, and registration. You will develop the best name for maximum profitability in your niche.

To announce your site to Search Engines, you need to submit a specialized file called a "Sitemap XML" file. SBI! does it all automatically, a huge time saver, that enables you to quickly achieve wider distribution and attract more targeted free traffic.

List-building and e-mail marketing are included (usually these expensive features are bought separately). Sign up visitors to your e-zine subscription list and then mail an issue to them. This repeat exposure builds a stronger bond with your visitors and allows for direct promotions to them. Deeper PRE selling = More Monetization.

Automatic site blogging turns your site into a blog easily. You'll enjoy all the benefits of a blog without needing extra skills or additional software. For those experienced with blogging, auto-pinging for your SBI! blog keeps your site on the Search Engines' radar. All of this helps attract more traffic.

SBI! has a no-risk, 30-day money back guarantee. It's a risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.

Not convinced yet? No problem, I know it all sounds too easy. This is a link to a video tour or you can even go to the main site where you can find different options like compare and testimonials. You can order now!

Do you have your own site up and running and is very successful? Well, why not make money by selling Site Build It! as an Affiliate.

Keep well and may you be blessed.

Steven D, South Africa

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